Why is the TBF Now Running Awareness and Fundraising Campaigns?
While the TBF has always focused on immediate help, raising awareness and funds is now essential due to changes in the industry and economic environment.
Why Are Some Arts Professionals Unable to Care for Themselves?
The arts industry is precarious, with many professionals being self-employed and lacking benefits or social grants. Senior members often couldn’t afford pension plans or medical insurance, and some do not qualify for government pensions.
Why is it Called the Theatre Benevolent Fund?
Originally founded as the “Actor’s Benevolent Fund” in the 1960s, the name changed to TBF after obtaining PBO status. A name change now would require a new application process and risk losing the 18A tax certification
What the TBF Cannot Do:
Provide loans.
Support able-bodied, healthy, younger professionals without employment.
Offer study bursaries.
Support those in the Visual Arts.
Fund projects, productions, production companies, or community groups.